Eye infections are common
ocular disorders in felines. Read to know about different eye diseases
and problems in cats.
Eye Diseases in Cats
Cats are very much susceptible to
various eye infections and diseases. In fact, what draw cat-owners to
veterinarian most of the time is eye problems in their domesticated
felines. The condition is generally widespread among old cats. Cats when
they grow older suffer from various visual impairments. Sometimes they
even go blind in one eye. Apart from injuries and accidents, blindness
is also caused by various clinical conditions. Blindness is however one
of the many eye problems that cats are prone to. Let us go through some
of the major eye disorders that are generally noticed in cats.
Glaucoma is characterized by an increase in the pressure within the
eye, which results in the improper functioning of the eye lens. The
intraocular pressure can however be reduced by specific medications
during the early stages. In severe cases, surgery is the only available
A common feline eye problem, melanoma develops due to the thickening of
the iris. A veterinarian can easily notice the same. The color of the
infected iris also visibly changes. The disease is generally prevalent
among older cats. Normally, the contaminated eye is removed with the
help of surgery.
In this disease, the eye lens become opaque and leads to optical
disorders. If left untreated, cataracts may also lead to glaucoma. The
disease is more common in dogs, rather than cats. So, it becomes
important to detect and treat the primary causes of cataracts. Surgeries
can be performed for lens transplants.
This eye disease in cats is attributable to presence of the Herpes
virus in the body. The virus is found in the optic nerve, trigeminal
ganglia, tonsils and even in the nasal terminates of cats. One of the
easiest ways of preventing the disease is providing your cat with a
Herpes vaccination.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
This is an inherited eye disorder in cats and is incurable. A cat with
PRA suffers from a slow decrease in eyesight and eventually becomes
blind. Due to the gradual and painless nature of the disease, an
infected cat in such cases easily adapts to his reduced vision and
Conjunctivitis occurs when the eye membrane gets inflamed and reddened,
often due to the presence of Herpes Virus. Treatments in such cases are
very complicated and there might be recurrent surfacing of the disease.
Various free-living organisms may also carry the disease.
Sudden Blindness
Stress and hypertension also give rise to sudden blindness in cats.
Various hormonal disorders, kidney problems and diseases like Diabetes
are off-shoots of hypertension in the animal, and leads to this
condition. Bloody eye chambers and dilated pupils are its major
Sometimes, eye infections in cats may also be the result of various
tumors in the eyelids or other parts of the eye. Though, in some of
these cases blindness will be unavoidable, yet it is always better to
seek the guidance of a veterinary ophthalmologist depending on the
severity of the condition.