We are providing you some cat
grooming tips to take better care of your cat.
Cat Grooming
Grooming is important to maintain
the hygiene of a cat, keeping it in the best of health. Making a habit
of grooming your cat regularly will go a long way in ensuring that your
pet doesn't fall ill of avoidable reasons. A complete grooming regimen
comprises of giving it a bath, combing its fur, trimming its nails,
brushing its teeth and cleaning its ears as well as eyes. However, you
need not follow all of them in a single, long session. Rather, keep the
grooming sessions short and frequent, so that your cat gets used to them
and also doesn't get fidgety while going through a single one.
Cat Grooming Tips
One of the most important aspects of cat grooming comprises of bathing.
Make your cat sit in a tub, with its front paws hooked on the sides, and
put cotton balls inside the ears. Now, wet your pet with warm water and
use shampoo all over its body, avoiding the face. Rinse off with warm
water and shampoo once again. After the second rinse, rub a conditioner
through its hair. Leave it on for a minute and rinse off completely.
Make sure that after shampooing as well as conditioning, you rinse off
the residue thoroughly. Now, using your hands, squeeze out the water
from your cat's hair and then wrap it in a towel. Pat with the towel and
remove the cotton balls from its ears. Putting your blow-dryer on the
coolest setting, use it to dry your cat's hair. After a lot of the
dampness has gone away, comb your pet's hair, as you dry it.
Combing & Brushing
Brush your cat on a regular basis, especially if it has long hair. This
will prevent the occurrence of tangled hairs and hairball. While
brushing, make sure to follow the direction of your cat's coat, as going
against the grain can irritate its skin. If you haven't brushed your
cat's hair for a very long time and it has become tangled, it is
advisable to cut off the hair in the troubled area. After brushing, move
a wide-toothed comb through your pet's hair.
Trimming Toenails
You need to trim your cat's toenails regularly. Apart from preventing
the scratching of furniture and draperies by your pet, this would also
help it walk more easily. Start cutting the nails of your cat from an
early age, so that it gets used to the experience. While cutting the
nail, take the paw and press under the pad, making the nail come out.
Always cut the nail tip only and stay away from the pink vein (or
quick), because it is sensitive and will hurt if you cut into it.
Teeth Brushing
Regular brushing forms a very important part of your cat's overall
grooming. For cleaning your pet's teeth, wet a cloth and dip it in salt
and baking soda. Rub the cloth on its teeth. Make sure to be gentle
while rubbing, lest you end up hurting your pet. This will help clean
the gums and mouth of your cat and in the process, ensure that it
remains healthy.
Cleaning Eyes
Just like the other body parts of a cat, you need to clean the eyes of a
cat as well. For the purpose, you need to dissolve 1/8 tsp salt (sodium
chloride or sea salt) in ½ cup of boiling water. Now, let the water
come down to room temperature and then store it in a covered container,
in refrigerator. After a gap of at least one week, use it for cleaning
your cat's eyes. Heat the solution to lukewarm, dip a cotton ball in it
and use it to wipe the eye area.
Cleaning Ears
Cleaning the ears of your cat also forms an important part of the
overall grooming regimen. After you have given a bath to your pet, use
clean cotton balls to remove dirt from its ears. Fold its ear gently and
then wipe it with a cotton ball, making sure to clean the folds as well.
In case you find the ear debris to be crusty looking, foul smelling or
in excess, consulting a vet is advisable.