You have a great friend in your
dog and love to play with him around the house. What happens if one day
you run your fingers through his furry coat, and suddenly feel a
protrusion/ outgrowth/ lump in his skin? If you notice a small black or
brown seed-like thing sticking to his skin at that time - Beware! Your
darling pet is infested with ticks. A tick is a blood sucking mite that
is not actually an insect.
It belongs to the family of 'arachnids' (like spider) and generally
lives on wooded, grassy and damp areas. Thus, they are external
parasites that feast on the blood of various vertebrates. Actually,
these vampire-like critters may flourish anywhere and might easily cling
to your dog's body and multiply in no time. They are also the carriers
of various lethal diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain
spotted fever.
Types of Ticks
Generally two types of ticks are found on dogs- viz. American Dog
Tick and Brown Dog Tick. These creatures might lurk behind
your pet's neck, feet, ears or body and sometimes might go unnoticed
during the preliminary stages of infection. The situation is further
worsened if your pet has a dark or furry coat. These creatures can be as
tiny as a fennel seed or grow as large as a peanut, after feeding on
your pet's blood.
Sometimes, tick-infested dogs might get severely anemic or suffer from
tick paralysis. Moreover, ticks that are carried home by your pet can
rapidly spread inside the house too. So, it is better that you take
various preventive measures against dog ticks before they find a way to
your dog and to your home. Check out these quick tips to understand and
prevent dog ticks.
Dog Tick Prevention