Here are some ideas and precautions on how to adopt a dog and what should be kept in mind before adopting a dog.
How To Adopt A Dog

So finally, you have decided to adopt a dog. First of all, hearty congratulations for coming up with this noble idea, as there are thousands of homeless animals who are eagerly waiting for a caring and loving family! Not just that a homeless animal will be gifted the entire new atmosphere of a home, but you will also have a great canine companion to keep you on the move. While all seems easy, isn�t it traumatic for the animal to be adopted as a pet, only to be returned back to the shelter from where it was previously released. Such is the state of most dogs that are adopted continuously but are unable to fit into the homely environment, due to several reasons. They are either treated inhumanly or the family was, perhaps, looking for a shelter dog instead of a pet. In such situations, it becomes highly necessary that you consider certain factors before you finalize your decision of adopting a dog as you would be making a lifetime commitment, at least for the dog. For when treated gently, they make up as your best friends, and when cruelly, they ensure that you life�s turned into hell! Hence, there is a lot to think about while choosing a dog, that too the right one. To name a few, given here are tips for adopting a dog. Read on!
Dog Adoption Tips
Personality Profile
What would you do when a dozen of cute little dogs and puppies are presented to you? Without a doubt, you would pick up the most attractive and charming animal, right? While that is one certain step you would take, but considering other options isn�t a bad idea. While every breed type has its own traits, not all dogs may perfectly fit into the breed profiles. As such, you need to study each dog carefully before you narrow down to a list of potential pets. Look for an outgoing pet if you are a people�s person. Your pup would easily adjust to dog parks and barbecues where it can mingle with others just like you. On the other hand, if you are a loner, a loving and affectionate dog will be an ideal choice as it would help keep your loneliness at bay. In case you are tired of facing the urban population time and gain and wish to isolate into a peaceful nest, a shy and introvert dog is what you should be looking out for. Runner, jumpers, and throwers would blend well with a furry, athletic friend who is full of energy and has a long enough stride to keep you going on your jogs. Similarly, there are several more attributes desired by individuals in their pets, such as dog-friendly, intelligent, easy going, fiercely loyal, quiet, scrappy, docile, and playful.
Depending upon your lifestyle and size of your apartment, you will have to make a choice. For, you cannot buy a large German Shepherd, if you live in a tiny dingy apartment. Probably, an adorable 'teacup dog' would be more preferable in such a case. Accordingly, you can select from toy, small, medium, and large sized dogs. A toy dog is characterized by an animal reaching less than a foot tall at the shoulder, perfect for small apartments and very active people. Small dogs, on the other hand, are larger than toy dogs but less than 1.5 feet at the shoulders. They make great walking companions. Medium dogs reach 2 feet at the shoulder, large enough to fit in your lap without crushing you. For an individual living an athletic, versatile lifestyle, medium dogs are simply ideal. All dogs larger than 2 feet tall at the shoulder fall under the large dog category. They serve as effective working dogs or formidable companions, but remember, they live for a shorter period compared to average life spans.
Male or Female
While every breed has its own set of personality traits, but male and female dogs do behave differently. Per se, they shouldn�t be ignored, even though they may just make a minor difference. Compared to males, female dogs are more reserved and territorial. In contrast, non-neutered males are more aggressive. And if you already own a dog, it is more likely to accept and befriend a dog of the opposite gender.
Puppy, Young Adult, or Senior Dog
Just like breeds, age is another factor that affects the personality of a canine. Although puppies grow into adults in just about 12 to 16 months, they demand great amount of parenthood, close supervision, house training, and extra obedience training before they reach this stage. Nevertheless, they make cute and adorable creatures in their puppyhood. Adult dogs have the advantage of giving the initial training and parenthood a miss. Since they are already fully grown and have left behind the puppy destructiveness and excessive energy, adult dogs are more adaptable and lovable, apart from displaying a good behavior. A dog that has crossed the age of 8 years is deemed as a senior or elderly dog. Having a senior canine and watching it going through its final chance of receiving comfort and happiness is a gratifying experience in itself.
After you have observed all the animals while bearing these factors, finding a pet that suits your lifestyle, personality, and size of your home wouldn�t be a problem anymore. Good luck for the beginning of a new, special friendship!