Himalayan Cat Breed was
developed by breeding Persians to Siamese
The Himalayan is a breed of long-haired cat resembling the Persian,
except for its blue eyes and point coloration, the resultant of the
crossing of the Persian with the Siamese. In Europe, these cats are
known as colorpoint Persians. The CFA and the ACFA recognized the breed
in 1957 under the name Himalayan, named for the color pattern found in
other animals, such as the Himalayan Rabbit. By the year 1961, all major
U.S. cat associations recognized the Himalayan. In 1984, the CFA united
the Himalayan and the Persian breeds, arguing that the body type was the
same for both breeds.
Himalayans flaunt a marked split in their facial features, seeing that
some cats are amazingly Persian-like with a compact "frowning"
mouth, no break in the nose, and squinting eyes; while some cats have
very large, round eyes, and exhibit more or less Burmese or Tonkinese
pointedness about their muzzle, with a definite break in the nose. It is
attributable to the dominance of either Siamese or Persian genes, which
the cat was bred from. Both the styles are considered equally "Himalayan",
however, the "Peeked" version is considered a recent
development (1970s to 1980s).
Himalayan Cat is large to medium sized and is heavily boned. These cats
have well-rounded cobby bodies and short, thick legs, with a short,
bushy tail. They also have a short, strong neck that supports a very
large and round head. They have deep vivid blue eyes. Their body color
is usually white or cream, but the points can be of different colors:
blue, brown, lilac, chocolate, flame, red and cream. The points can also
be tabby or tortoiseshell-patterned. Both the chocolate and lilac point
Himalayan cats are difficult to produce because these color traits are
autosomal recessive, meaning both parents must have the gene so as to
pass on that trait to offspring. Since Himalayan cats have short legs,
it is difficult for them to jump as high as other cats do. On an
average, a Himalayan weighs around 13 pounds.
The Himalayan cats are gentle, calm, sweet-tempered, intelligent, and
usually make very good social companions. They are extremely playful and
express themselves with a melodious voice. Himalayans are devoted and
dependent upon their owners for companionship and protection. Due to
their connection with the Siamese cats, they are likely to be more
active than Persians.
Genetic Defects
Himalayan cats are more susceptible to hairballs than other breeds.
Owing to the amount of inbreeding involved in breeding these cats
commercially, these cats are likely to have genetic deformities and are
more inclined to develop hereditary problems like joint problems, organ
abnormalities, and Polycystic kidney disease, in particular, among other
Himalayan Cat Care
Like most of the long-haired cats, Himalayans are required to be brushed
regularly to keep their coats looking their best and healthiest.
Moreover, some may require wiping their face daily, depending on the
cat. Some breeders also suggest bathing a Himalayan so as to reduce the
amount of oil on the cat's fur and skin.