The three most common types of
dog toys are active dog toys, distraction dog toys and comfort dog toys.
Types of Dog Toys

There are so many different types of dog toys available in the market that choosing the right one can be little difficult. You can choose from a huge variety, depending on the taste of your dog. All dog toys are specially designed to be enjoyed in different ways. There are chew toys, fetch toys, plush and stuffed toys, rope toys, interactive toys and even toys that are designed for dental health care. Remember that while choosing the toys for your dog, keep safety in mind. Dog Toys can be categorized into three types which are given below:
Active Toys
Active toys keep your dog mentally and physically active. These toys are generally made of very hard rubber so that they won't get easily worn when chewed upon by the dog. They are easy to carry around and come in innumerable shapes, colors and sizes. There are rope toys that you can use to tease your dog by wiggling them on the floor or making it jump in the air, as the dog tries to catch it. These active toys generally come in wand-type shape or bone-shape. Dog bone toys made of sturdy rubber will certainly impress your dog.
Distraction Toys
Distraction toys are filled with bits of treats and peanut butter, to keep the dogs and puppies happy for hours. Puppies love chewing these toys to get the treats. These toys prove to be quite useful while training the dog using positive reinforcement method, for dogs just love them. Then, there are 'busy-box' toys for dogs consisting of large rubber cubes, in which you can hide favorite dog treats. Dogs love to explore these cubes using their nose, mouth and paws to find the goodies. They get as excited and interested in these toys as if they are kids on a treasure hunt adventure.
Comfort Toys
Comfort toys can keep your dog cozy while sleeping and are perfect targets for all the dog tricks. These toys are the soft stuffed toys and are not suitable for all dogs. These small and light toys can easily be carried around and give quite a target for dogs to 'shake' and 'mock-kill' games. They can be made in the size and shape of the small animals for the purpose such as mouse, rabbit or duck. If your dog is friendly, these toys can be his best pals, and he can even hug them or sleep with them, to feel cozier and more comfortable.
Features to Consider in Dog Toys
The most important feature which should be considered while choosing a Dog Toy for your dog is its size. The size should be appropriate for the breed of your dog. If the toy is too small, your dog might swallow it and get choked. Dog toys that are designed for a larger breed may be too difficult to handle by a smaller dog. Whichever dog toy you choose, inspect it and make sure that it is safe and well constructed. Then another feature can be its durability; Dog toys which are durable and easy to wash or clean, are a good choice.